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The 1st one is the most important!

After having finally completed your 1st manuscript it's time for the difficult part - finding a home for it. You must locate someone or some entity to format the text, create a book cover, and secure an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) so that your opus can be located by various search services around the world. Without an ISBN, this isn't possible. After you have been completely through the book prep process once, you will have learned much that you didn't know about publishing before starting.

Amazon Kindle is the largest provider of online books in the world through both trade paperback and digital kindle. Roughly 70% of all books published in the United States are now published through Amazon. Tens of thousands of titles are available in every genre imaginable. FSP doesn't provide marketing services, just book creation services based on your wants, needs, and pocketbook. The marketplace is full of companies and individuals wanting to promote your book - at a cost. They're not all created equal, but marketing is important if you hope to sell your work. Marketing your book locally is usually easier than attempting a national campaign. Amazon provides marketing services as do hundreds of other entities found advertising on Face Book, Snap Chat, Instagram, and others. If you've done your homework prior to writing your masterpiece and have identified your audience, it makes things simpler as you can direct your efforts to markets that are open to your book's themes and subject matter. For many people, writing the book becomes the easy part. Marketing it can be very problematic, sometimes expensive, and usually frustrating. FSP is not yet at the stage where we provide marketing services but were getting there.

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