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FSP is a trusted publisher of anthropology mysteries. At present FSP is providing a selection of autographed mystery-suspense novels by author Stanley Struble. Amazon Kindle has ebook downloads and novels not autographed by the author. The Bookworm on 90th & West Center Rd. in Omaha carries a selection of Mr. Struble's novels. More authors and stories are to come. Mr. Struble's novels have received praise from notable individuals and organizations, Including 4/4 Star rating from the Online Book Club for the final novel in his Feathered Serpent Trilogy, In the Time of the Feathered Serpent

Kindle Publishing Services 

Have you written a book? FSP provides assistance in formatting trade paperback books, Kindle ebooks, and creating book covers which include ISBN numbers for those wishing to sell their work on Amazon.

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“Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable”

Louisa May Alcott


1812 Mayfair Dr.


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